Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Importance of Sociology(Uses of sociology)

     The study of sociology has a great value especially in modern complex society.Some of  the uses of sociology are as follows:
Peruvian indigenous people,learning to
read(it shows development of this community)
        1) Sociology studies society in  a scientific way:Sociology  studies in a scientific manner.The scientific  knowledge is very much needed in human society in order to achieve progress in various field.
       2)Sociology focuses on the social nature of man:Sociology focuses into the social nature of man.By these,we know that man is a social animal.Through sociology we get the answers of why man lives in group,community and society.It examines the relationship between indivudals and society and the impact of sociology on man.
        3)Sociology studies the role of  the institution in the devlepment of the individuals :Through sociology ,that scientific study of the  great social institutions and the relations of the individuals to each is being made.Sociology reads these institution and their role in the development of their individuals and suggest suitable measures from re-streangthing  them with a view to enable them to serve the individuals better.
         4)Sociology improves our understanding of society and increases the power of social actions:The science of society assists an individual to understand itself,his capacities,talents and limitations .Knowledge of society ,social groups,social institution,associations ,their functions e.t.c.helps us to lead an effective social life.
         5)Sociology plays an important role in the  solutions of social problems :The present social problems opf teh world can be solved only through scientific study of society,that is through sociology where different scientific method and research are used to find out the solutions for them.
          6)The study of  sociology helps us to know not only our society and man but also  others,their motives,aspirations ,status ,occupations,traditions,costumes,institutions e.t.c.:In a large industrial society,we need to have some insight into an appreciations of the motives by which others live and the conditions under which they exist.Such an insite is derived from the study of sociology.
  • Sociology is useful as teaching subject.
  • The study of sociology is indispensible for understanding and planning of society.
  • Sociology is of great importance in the  solutions of  international problems.
  • Brazilian indigenous chiefs of the kayapo tribe
  • The practical utility of sociological techniques such as social surveys and so on.
  • Sociology is of great practical help in the sence that it keeps us up to date on modern social situations and development.  
  •  Study of sociology has help several governments to promote the wellfare of the trival people.


  1. hello is anybody there that can help our here

  2. Can someone help me with the link of this uses and relevance of sociology

  3. Nice one.....I will like to the relevance too

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